Three Things


Try harder. Do better. Don’t be so stupid.

These are the words I tell myself.

Over and over again every single day.

I don’t know about you, but often it feels like I’m about three steps behind every one else, just trying to play catch up.

But on top of that I can also be lazy, I know I could try better. (I think most of us do.) So we try to criticize and nag ourselves into submission, and only end up feeling about a hundred times worse.

Stop worrying, Care less. Don’t take yourself so seriously.

This is the advise should take.

These words sound like good advise, don’t they? At least, they’re definitely words that I need to hear! But, in my experience, they’re definitely a lot harder to put into practice.

I mean, how are we supposed to stop worrying when there is just so much stuff to worry about? Sometimes I start to relax, and then I remember that there is just so much that I need to be stressed about, that I make myself start worrying again!

I know I shouldn’t compare, but when other people’s lives are so much better how can I not. And anyway, if I didn’t compare, how else would I know just how badly I was failing.

We can try and try and take this advise, but unfortunately, on our own, it’s simply impossible advice.

You’re chosen. You’re loved. You don’t need to worry.

This is what I really need to know.

If we don’t understand that we are chosen, and truly loved. We are never going to be able to take that advice. We will never be able to relax and just be.

The only way to break free from worry is to know the peace that we have in the knowledge that it’s all in God’s hands.

The only way we can let go of comparison and feel like we are enough is in knowing just how much God loves us.

We could never work hard enough or be good enough to make God love us. Instead he freely chooses to, just as we are.

6 thoughts on “Three Things

      • One of the good things that I’ve found about being here at WordPress is finding that others experience some of the same things that I do. At church it often seems that people are keeping up appearances, not wanting to let on that there are struggles and challenges. Here, it’s much easier, I think, to open up and share. Thanks!

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      • Yes, it can be hard to get to know people at church and take a lot of time. I have loved meeting people from all over the world through blogging, there are so many benefits to it that I never expected when I started, and now I’m well and truly addicted!

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  1. You’re chosen. You’re loved. You don’t need to worry.

    Ah, I have to write this down on sticky notes and plaster them over the house. When the world seems upside down, these are the words I need to turn it right side up. Thanks for this.

    Liked by 1 person

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