Movie Devotions: Wonder Woman


I really wasn’t sure about watching the film Wonder Woman at first. I mean wasn’t it just going to be a woman prancing about in her undies? A movie made for middle-aged men and teenage boys? Thankfully, after reading some positive reviews, I was persuaded to watch it, and I’m pleased I did. In fact, I liked it so much, I decided to write a devotion about it!

In the age of the princess*, this film portrayed a truly strong woman, who was willing to go to the front line of battle to fight for what she believed was right. Finally, a truly positive role model for women and girls.

Or maybe just me? Anyway, I know that after watching that film I was fired up to save the world!

And then I walked out of the cinema, to a street cordoned off with police tapes, with bloody footprints across the pavement, and come home to watch news of so many people dying in that tragic fire. And real life hit again.

And like so many people I feel saddened and angry.

And then I let these feeling dissipate.

And I sit back and watch from a distance. Not really wanting to get involved. Not wanting to get my hands dirty. When in fact, the Christian life is one where we should not only get our hands dirty, but get completely covered in muck and filth.**IMG_1078

When God called us, he didn’t call us to sit around in churches having nice meetings. He called us into a battle. And we need to be out there. Fighting. On the front line of battle.

Whatever that means we can know it’s not likely to be comfortable.

It may mean our knees are aching from praying. It may mean making difficult decisions in order to stand up for our faith, it may mean getting out there and doing things we never thought we could and talking to people we don’t really feel comfortable talking to. It may mean really taking risks, and deciding to move into that rough estate, in order to minister to the people there, or live abroad.

Whatever it means we can know that we are protected.

There’s a beautiful scene in Wonder Woman, where Diana walks straight into war, as bullets are fired directed at her. They are raining down on her. But she is protected with her shield.

This is a picture we all need to get hold of. There is a world of pain and suffering out there, and God commands us to go.  But we are safe. We can walk into anything with God at our side. Because we are protected with the shield of faith.

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled round your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6: 1-17)

*Wonder woman is actually a princess, but not the pink princess who sits around nibbling cupcakes and contouring her cheeks.

**I want to say a much stronger word than this, but I’m restraining myself as I know it will needlessly offend.


12 thoughts on “Movie Devotions: Wonder Woman

  1. First of all, I love the name of your blog. Thank you for sharing this. It goes to show God can speak to us through anything if we allow Him to. We all need a reminder sometimes that we are protected and safe! Have a blessed day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, I guess God may just want you to serve right where you are for now. I wouldn’t worry to much about the specifics, just do what you can.


  2. Alice I walked out of the theater after seeing this movie thinking many of the same things as you. And I love her monologue at the end. Love is a choice. And we can choose to act in love or not, but none of us is anyone’s savior, so we have to choose to be loving like Christ regardless of how others react to it. I appreciate you writing a devotional about this movie – there’s so much good stuff in it to write about. I might even need to see it again! God bless you

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am pleased some pone else felt the same way! I loved the point you made about loving people, no matter what the reaction. We often think that people will be greatful for our compassion. Even when there not, we shouldn’t stop loving them.


  3. Alice I walked out of the theater after seeing this movie thinking many of the same things as you. And I love her monologue at the end. Love is a choice. And we can choose to act in love or not, but none of us is anyone’s savior, so we have to choose to be loving like Christ regardless of how others react to it. I appreciate you writing a devotional about this movie – there’s so much good stuff in it to write about. I might even need to see it again! God bless you.


  4. I loved this, Alice! I love how you compared Wonder Woman to Christians being in battle and getting dirty! Real Christians don’t sit around in fancy clothes, looking perfect at church, and then heading home to flawlessly clean, air-conditioned houses. We live real life, and it’s messy and dirty; but we remain courageous! Real Christians sweat, and make their lives count. We sit down and eat lunch with the homeless, we get shunned by family members who are self-centered, we get beat up for our faith… blood, sweat, tears! Instead of running home to free time, we do like yesterday: forego a shower to sweat in the heat and humidity, to stay and serve at the church, because so many kids came to VBS, that it was pure chaos! But with some teamwork and gathering in prayer to kick out the devil in Jesus’ name, and praying for God to remind us of our spiritual armor; 78 kids in our tiny VBS will now have a chance to know Jesus! I’m sharing this post today on The Silver Lining ministry page at 💙 My theme for June is COURAGE, and this fits perfectly! Thank you for the great review; now I know I can go enjoy the movie!


  5. What a wonderful picture that you created. We really do need to get down in the trenches in this world. So many are hurting and broken. Thanks for opening my eyes.


  6. I love the comparison of wonder woman going into battle with her shield protecting her to the way God protects us. So often we sit back and hope someone else does something because we’re too scared, but we have to believe God when He promises that He will always protect His people.


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